Dear Sexies,
I'm sad and kinda happy to report that this will be the last post for a couple of weeks. I'm going to Colorado for a canyoneering and white water rafting adventure 'till the 27th. I was hopeing to give you an awesome CD mix to spread around for me like the swine flu but It's going to take me more than 4 tries to get this mix down perfectly. :P
Here is the FAIL mix for ya.
I would love some feed back from all you CD makin' DJs out there. How do you do it so perfectly? How many tries do you have to do? What's your technick of mixing for a CD? Yadda yadda..
PLEASE give me some emails or comments (Down below) and help me out!
Much love to all you followers out there, I'm gonna miss ya'll!
<3 WD
Hey you Whiskey Devil you! You did an awesome show at the precompression. I thought it was incredible. I dont even know if you know who I am. I saw you this past Saturday night I was meaning to come say hi, I am sorry I didnt. I was the kid with the afro dancing my ass off, I was dancing on the stage while you were up there. I have never felt so good in my life. I have added you to my gtalk, I would like to come watch you DJ in west oakland but I dont know where the place is that your DJin @ =)