Dear disco infiltrators,
What an amazing month this has been! Yosemite one weekend, Mexico the next and job hunting like crazy in between.
So, Mexico.. ;)
Started off almost missing the flight down to San Diego then meeting up with Smoove, Michelle and Laird,(who I am still surprised I've never met before!) Short 1 hr flight down then split into 2 high-clearance vehicles and quick stop at the grocery store and on we went! Getting through the border and Mexicali was un-eventful thankfully and once we hit the playa (yes, just like the )'( one) we happened upon a bunch of Fuente partiers celebrating. An excited beer or shot and we all rolled out as one down the washboard road leaving only dust behind.
After climbing over some serious rocks and driving through a small river we were here! We unpacked and decided no to stay at any of the campgrounds but be a "satelite SFDJ camp" and found a nice private space next to the bridge with a bunch of palm trees and frogs. Set up shop with little light we had left then headed over to the stage to mingle, dance and later DJ.
Right before my set Saynt (who throws Fuente Eterno with Blue) explained my story to the crowd; How I had come to Fuente 2 years ago and never listened to electronic dance music until that pivotal party and am now a DJ because of it!
I rocked out like a mad man the whole time, the monitors sounded so fantastically clear (stereo) I couldn't help but dance my ass off, friends told me later all they could see were my horns bobbing and bouncing around.
Fuente Electro 2010 live set!
After that set I didn't sleep all night because of the energy I had stirred up, sleeping pills didn't help either.
Friday me and Lex went on a 3 or 4 hour hike up the canyon following the waterfalls and climbing over giant boulders the whole time. We made it past the 3rd waterfall and headed back since we had almost run out of water and food. In celebration we sat under a giant carved out rock next to the water fall pool and I got drunk off some rum and coke and he busted out a couple of Tecantes. (ah the Mexico life!)
That night was filled with some of the most amazing performances I had seen, the first was a native American goddess ritual with fire dancing and some of the most amazing hoop-dancing I have ever seen. The second was a western saloon shoot-out with everything on fire.(practically!) A great night of dancing and some hot-tubbing thrown in and I finally got some sleep.
Saturday is always the infamous pool party. Lex and I got there early and I went around handing out rum shots half the time, after a fantastic performance of "Dick in a Box" we left a little early and passed out for a couple hours... what a hang-over! That night was one of my best-dancing nights of this year for SURE. Tons on energy and dancing all over the place to some AMAZING DJs! Oscure, Michael Insane, and a couple more that I cannot remember at this time. Sunrise in the hot spring hot tub with some great music and great friends? priceless.
Sunday was roll around in the tent with Lex for hours then pack super fast then wait at the border for 2+ hours to get through then miss flight home (stupid daylight savings time) and crash out in the hotel. :P
Monday we ate at this awesome breakfast place in San Diego and flew home. Great end to a great vacation! Woohoo!!!
Here's a sweet video to check out of some of the stuff that went on there.
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