Hello my darlings,
welcome back to another exciting edition of DJ Whiskey Devil's Blogspot. Served piping hot is a brand spanking new mix of all new music!(to me anyway)
My dear sexi boi Lex1 was kind enough to do a little music-sharing and I present to you a mix I am very proud of:
My Feet Hurt:Breaks, Dub, and a few other things.
Let me know what you think and if you and also an awesome DJ and would like to share some tunes with me and I with you drop me a line!
WhiskeyIsTheDevil (at) gmail (dot) com
In other news: Had an amazing Summer Solstice with OPEL at Mission Rock, watched the sun rise and watched Dex Stakker very closely to see if there is some kind of trick to his perfect DJing. Turns out there are no tricks except that he DJ's like a doctor, every movement with the CDJ's and mixer are precise and smooth. Also, he's very good with a Pioneer DJM 800 and all it's amazing efx.
After that me and Lex1 find his car window was smashed just outside of Mission Rock. We drive back to Potrero Hill and find my window was smashed as well.. strange, eh? Miles away from each other.
Last weekend we celebrated at 2 parties held at the places I usually spin, ACME/Department of Spontaneous Combustion and Magnolia/Candy Mtn. I did no spinning myself but had a fabulous time anyway. Always love listening to DJ Dragn'fly and ONYD Sound System. :)
Hm.. any thing else? Oh, I'm sick with a summer cold but seem to be getting better now thankfully.
Also, half-moving to SF tomorrow after work. Once I start paying rent then I'll really be moving in. What does this mean? Well, all you people that never come see me play in the East Bay because it's too far or whatever can come by, bring me booze and listen to your heart's (or feets) content. If YOU ARE a DJ and would like to battle or just let me play on your stuff drop me a line, that would be awesome!
Ok, long rambling post, will try not to next time...