Dear cuddlers,
I hope ya'll had a great Xmas or Hanukkah or solstice, I did for sure! No, I didn't get some Pioneer CDJ 2000s but I did get a fabulous couple of days with my honey pie and family. Now that we're in the weird limbo-peroid between Xmas and New Years I'm kinda bored again.. I'll be at Sea of Dreams rocking out but sadly not playing this Thursday, poke me if you're gonna be there too! I have been downloading shit-tons of awesome Dubstep, Tech House, Electro House and Disco shit lately from seems a bunch of music blogs are doing a top songs of 2009 so get on there and grab some sweet free MP3s!
In other news I'm broke again, got my car towed a couple weeks ago and it took all my money and some to get it out so if you feel kind please buy me a pack of smokes or maybe some whiskey! ;) <3
Also, please go to and listen to my mix and vote for it! Then maybe I'll get some of those CDJ 2000s! Woho!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Meat Popsicle..

Dear Dancers, prancers and pranksters,
December has been good to me, have been playing a couple of awesome shows and rocking out with many friends. Last Sunday night I played my first Tech House set ever and I have not had as much fun for a while! I get an unusual thrill from playing a genra that's new to me and I would like to thank Brandon of WERD for booking me there. I think I shall re-record that set again because it was so eclectic for being "Tech House" and the dance floor seemed to love it.
My birthday party went off really well, a lot of Strategik was there and Brass Tax and Opulent temple/Opel represented as well. Only about 30 people came, next time I will make sure to keep it a little less private but I had a great time with everyone there. Thank you everyone for making my life so fun and special!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Happy birthday to me...

Well sweeties,
It's been an amazing 25, became a DJ, lost one relationship and gained another, moved to SF which I have wanted for a couple of years, had the best Burning Man ever, gained an immense amount of new friends, finally joined a social network since BME iam, and I think I have grown emotionally and mentally as well. A little less scared and a lot more confident in my body and skills. I still have a lot to work on but things are looking up right now.. Definitely looking forward to next year and 26!
Something I have been neglecting posting is my first collaboration of Dubstep with Justin previously known as :Prophet. This was made specifically for Dubstep Vs. Disco that I attended many times up the street from my house. After we recorded it I found out they were going to end it the next week :P but they did play the recording about 5 times in the front room of Poleng Lounge the last night so that made me a little more happy.
Lucky Dub October 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
No light-switch raves for the Cheet!
Dearest fellows,
Here is my 2 mixes from Spider Ball on Halloween in the VIP room.
The first is my "chill" mix.
The second is my heavy and hard electro and breaks mix.
October as a whole was a pretty busy time for lil' old WD. I would like to thank all you promoters, dancers, DJs and friends for rocking out with me!
Some things coming up that I know of:
This Friday I'm playing at the Bently Reserve again for my friend Eric's B-day bash.
On Friday the 20th I'm playing at the Bordello for DUBpression from 11-12 in the breaks and electro room.
I'm hoping to throw a big birthday bash for myself on the 6th of December in a special location, stay posted for more info.
And there's some more stuff coming up that I can't remember right now, gotta go get ready to play at Blowfish with Peek! ;)
Here is my 2 mixes from Spider Ball on Halloween in the VIP room.
The first is my "chill" mix.
The second is my heavy and hard electro and breaks mix.
October as a whole was a pretty busy time for lil' old WD. I would like to thank all you promoters, dancers, DJs and friends for rocking out with me!
Some things coming up that I know of:
This Friday I'm playing at the Bently Reserve again for my friend Eric's B-day bash.
On Friday the 20th I'm playing at the Bordello for DUBpression from 11-12 in the breaks and electro room.
I'm hoping to throw a big birthday bash for myself on the 6th of December in a special location, stay posted for more info.
And there's some more stuff coming up that I can't remember right now, gotta go get ready to play at Blowfish with Peek! ;)
Monday, October 19, 2009

Dear Darlings,
Wow, what an amazing weekend I had! Went out to Fairfield for Strategik's first Sanctuary Campout. Here was the line up:
--Mace (Brass Tax)
--Ernie Trevino (Brass Tax)
--Dulce Vita (Opulent Temple)
--JonBoy (Dubalicious)
--P-Dub (GuerillaBASS)
--Cosmic Selector (Opulent Temple)
--Anthony Adems (, LA)
--DJ Whiskey Devil (, Much Thump)
--Agent Zero (SWAG)
--Bill Samuels (Wasn't Us)
--Fingers (Nub Action, LA)
--Raydeus (Pronoia,
--Micah J (, Neuroweapon)
--BAM (Evil Breaks, Invibe)
--KDJ (SF)
--Bianca Dino (3L3tronic, Robot Heart, Beatseeker TV)
--Vitamindevo (3L3tronic, Robot Heart, Tronic Visions)
--Influence (Strategik)
--Pirata (Strategik)
--J. Hazen (Strategik)
--Simple Greene (Strategik)
--Drag'n fly (Strategik)
I opened the whole thing and got to play for an hour and a half of funk, disco and electro house. My recording is HERE for your enjoyment, I just listened to it again and am very happy with it.
I finally decided I'm done with using turntables with Serato, I can't lock in a track unless I used CDJs. Hello future!
Some highlights:
Camping with my friends Tom, Ra and my newest friend Tuffy.
Finally getting to swim in a pool for 5 min.
Dancing on the diving board with Mr. Crabs on my head.
Watching some amazing fire spinning.
Getting to rock out to some of my FAV DJs in the bay area.
Watching a amazing sunset and listening to an amazing funky set by Micah J.
Hearing Cosmic Selector play all those amazing remixes again and getting to hang out, chat and do a music exchange with him.
Having a heart to heart with Alex (not Ding Dong) Mace.
Playing my mouth harp for everyone and getting applause.
meeting some more amazing new people.
And finally getting to play at my first camp out!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I <3 Brass Tax and Strategik!
Hello fellows,
Another amazing weekend that I have Strategik and Brass Tax to thank again. The Paradise Lounge party was very fun, I played an OK set up stairs and had a little dance party for a while until the guys downstairs started playing very loud and fast. From talking to a few other DJs that night a couple of people were off but some highlights were Influence Vs. Drag'nfly and of coarse JoeJoe, Mace and Schwa. I met up with a couple of friends and decided to go to the talk like a pirate renegade the next day with them. After the party started to wind down we headed over to their place and stayed up all night drinking and listening to good beats to stay awake. The renegade was amazing, JoeJoe and Mace played for 3 or 4 hours and then Influence and Aaron tore it up, J Hazen and DJ Raydeus rocked it and I snuck out just as Simple Green came on (sadly, I wanted to catch him!) Obviously I was pretty tired... Danced my ass off all night and day with this fabulous new stuffed animal crab I stole from Artem/Strategik. Will probably wear it to LovEvolution ;)
So I just realized that I did not post my mastered set from Temple's Breast Cancer awareness party! Oh noes! Here it is for your enjoyment, cut to CD length and rockin' loud! Feel free to spread around like.. crabs!
Whiskey Devil's live set @ Temple Bar SF
Another amazing weekend that I have Strategik and Brass Tax to thank again. The Paradise Lounge party was very fun, I played an OK set up stairs and had a little dance party for a while until the guys downstairs started playing very loud and fast. From talking to a few other DJs that night a couple of people were off but some highlights were Influence Vs. Drag'nfly and of coarse JoeJoe, Mace and Schwa. I met up with a couple of friends and decided to go to the talk like a pirate renegade the next day with them. After the party started to wind down we headed over to their place and stayed up all night drinking and listening to good beats to stay awake. The renegade was amazing, JoeJoe and Mace played for 3 or 4 hours and then Influence and Aaron tore it up, J Hazen and DJ Raydeus rocked it and I snuck out just as Simple Green came on (sadly, I wanted to catch him!) Obviously I was pretty tired... Danced my ass off all night and day with this fabulous new stuffed animal crab I stole from Artem/Strategik. Will probably wear it to LovEvolution ;)
So I just realized that I did not post my mastered set from Temple's Breast Cancer awareness party! Oh noes! Here it is for your enjoyment, cut to CD length and rockin' loud! Feel free to spread around like.. crabs!
Whiskey Devil's live set @ Temple Bar SF
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"Our last fundraiser at Shine was a great success towards helping us reach our goals..
This is the second installment of our fund raising efforts and we really need your support to accomplish what we have planned!
Again we offer several donation options for any budget in order to help you help us!
Thanks again! Nothing we do is possible without you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Influence, Jonboy & Jake Thomason!!
(ALL 9/15)
Room 1
Dragn'fly vs.. Influence
J Hazen vs. ECQ
Jonboy vs. Simple Greene
Jay Vigor vs. Pirata
M.O.D. vs. Loryn
Room 2 (Hosted by Brass Tax)
Joe Joe
Ernie Trevino
Whiskey Devil
10pm - 4am
Located @ Paradise Lounge
1501 Folsom st
$5 - gets you in
$10 - gets you in + a Strategik sticker
$20 - gets you in + Strategik Sticker + Strategik T-Shirt"
I'm playing from 11pm-12am
Free guestlist!
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Well well darlings,
what an amazing year at Burning Man! Much much better then last year in fact this was my best year ever due to many different factors; This was the first time I came with a boy friend. First time I did not work for the man at all. First time I came to BM as a DJ and played twice. First time camping with a large theme camp (sound camp too). And first time I did a copious amounts of drugs. ;)
There were many highlights to this burn, every night from Thursday night onward was EPIC starting with getting a birds-eye-view of Freq Nasty and Bassnectar doing their thing. I have never seen any one use 3 CDJs at once like Freq and he inspired me to work in more genres into a set but smoothly and seamlessly (of coarse). I had never seen Bassnectar before and watching him use Abelton, a crappy M-audio controller and a mixer confused the hell out of me. I could not wrap my mind around WTF he was doing but it was definitely amazing. Alex and I stayed up on our platform for many hours studying them and meeting new cool people, if you have seen me at parties before I usually like to be up high above the crowd cuz I get kind of claustrophobic and hot being so short (and I like to dance for others). Perfect spot!
Friday was spent recovering from Thursday and preparing for my Friday night set at the Brass Tax Boom Box. I rocked it from 9-9:45pm and had no idea I was playing before Freq Nasty! After my set I rocked out to Joe Joe, Mace, Ding Dong and Freq Nasty again. After he finished I talked with him a little bit about the song Bonkers and other stuff, super nice guy and turned out he had come by earlier and heard some of my set! (eeek!) I hope he liked it. :) Saturday they burnt the face of the Boom Box at dawn after a long night of partying, sadly I was not there due to the deep need for sleep.
I set up a DJ gig on an art car called the Gypsy Queen which was a giant fishing boat some sweet guys from Alaska had spent years building. Me and :Prophet did a 3 hours of tag-teaming around the playa. At one point we came across Opulent Temple's giant white fish art car and surrounded it for a while. At one point we set up next to the giant Rubicks Cube and put out the giant fishing net into a circle trying to catch some "fish". We caught some small art cars but the sound system was a little too small so they hauled the net back up and we set sail again across the playa. Many thanks to the Gypsy Fleet for letting me DJ for the first time on the playa in their ship!
Some other highlights: going to the trash fence with Lex and watching the sunrise, seeing Pete Hudson's Swimmer's for the first time, making music with the giant monolith from 2001, seeing the man burn from afar, checking out the art that my friends from the Department of Spontaneous Combustion, BYB , and FLG made, Thievery Corporation playing at my camp on Sunday night, rocking out on top of the house behind Opulent Temple, Meeting Meat Katie, Dylan Rhymes, Freq Nasty, and those other famous peeps at Opulent, rocking out to DJ Peek at Opulent and starting the dance party, sitting in the hookah dome while a giant party went on just outside, finding out Daft Punk was playing live on CD, and so much more that I can't think of right now!
I <3 Burning Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, yes I am back and hitting Craigslist hard. Know of any one hiring in SF? Put it in the comments ;)
Sadly I have no recordings from BM but will bang one out soon since we have 2 new 1200s!
PS. I may be playing SF Decompression and Spiderball! Confirmations to come...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Burning Ham
Dusty lovelies,
Been crazy busy lately trying to get all my damn music organized before heading out to the playa. No way is that going to be totally possible but I have done at least some of it.
Just as a heads up to those heading out there this week or next week I shall be playing!
When: Friday night 9-9:45pm
Where: Brass Tax Boom Box 10 and C
What: Best shit evar!
So come join me before they burn the Boom Box!
Mucho Love, Whiskey Devil
Been crazy busy lately trying to get all my damn music organized before heading out to the playa. No way is that going to be totally possible but I have done at least some of it.
Just as a heads up to those heading out there this week or next week I shall be playing!
When: Friday night 9-9:45pm
Where: Brass Tax Boom Box 10 and C
What: Best shit evar!
So come join me before they burn the Boom Box!
Mucho Love, Whiskey Devil
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Ba dada!

Fantastic funky fresh friends,
I just found out that I shall be playing the Sunrise set here! All info below:
Host: MuchThump Project
Type: Party - Night of Mayhem
Network: Global
Price: $20 donation
Start Time: Saturday, August 22, 2009 at 10:00pm
End Time: Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 6:00am
City/Town: San Francisco, CA
Yes, our favorite rooftop location with our favorite friends! This venue is one of the coolest small, classy, sexy, intimate venues I have ever seen. Redwood interior, tall vaulted ceilings, and hardwood floors make for a great place to dance and some incredible acoustics!! Its exclusive and once we fill up, we will NOT let anyone else in so come early!
Come check out sick beats from such incredible names and rising talent such as...
Audionista /MuchThump
Dulce Vita /Dvant Gard, Opulent Temple
Dat Girl with LIVE PA & MC set/Gaian Web
Whiskey Devil /MuchThump
The address will NOT be posted, its a private party after all:) RSVP and you will be emailed the proper info. Invite your friends, come celebrate at this incredible venue!!
Annoying face book page
If you don't use facebook just email: R (at) Muchthump (dot) com
Come celebrate pre-playa with me!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
If I Had A Heart
Monday, August 10, 2009
Hah heh.. *cough* *sniffle*

Dear healthy humans,
Lots of last minuet news all the time on this blog huah? Shows that you just gotta check back all the time nowadays. ;)
Tomorrow I shall be playing in the basement of Temple bar (55 Natoma St. SF) from 9-10pm! If you missed my electro house set from last Tuesday then you should come out, all new tunes for your pleasure and mine.
I plan on recording this session as well, will try to upload same night or sometime this week if I'm lazy.
Wish me a quick cold recovery so I'll be on top of it tomorrow! <3 WD
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Wonderful people,
What amazing week and weekend, I have never done so many shows in one week ever before. (let alone done that many shows!)
So I am still kinda in a daze mentally and ego wise, not really getting a big head but actually trying to believe all those compliments from random people. I still consider myself very much a beginner with so much more to learn from everybody and myself but knowing that I don't suck feels good.
The Friday Brass Tax PB&J time party went off amazingly well, had a slightly slow start because of the lack of light and a totally new weird mixer but after a couple of songs the dance floor started grooving and I ripped shit up! It was great seeing so many of my friends there. I found a fantastic remix of Peanut Butter Jelly time that I played about halfway through my set and all the BTx peeps came out and climbed on top of each other to make a pyramid. :P I was so nervous that I found it hard to look up at the crowd, I have pretty bad stage fright but find it annoying when the DJ ignores the crowd.
Yesterday I played a Private Pirate Party on an "island" at fisherman's wharf. Had a fantastic time as well but felt a bit tired (hungover) from the night before and working that day. Spun with Tamo and met DJ Smoove again and spun with another DJ whose name I forgot, sorry! Treasure hunts, barrel rollings and some amazing food for dinner, oh and don't forget the free booze. Had a great time Djing despite my technical difficulties, hooray for turntables and Serato's input reverse!
Many thanks to all for the amazing weekend, supporting me and rocking out with me:
Tamo, Smoove, DingDong, Tom, Sharon, Limbo, Dan DasMan, Byron, Influence, Dex Stakker (thanks for the compliment!), Nate, :Prophet, JK Sound, and all those people I forgot the names of but I still remember you, and most of all Lex because with out you I couldn't DJ!
Special thanks to JoeJoe and Dragon for believing in me and inviting me to spin!
Sorry, no recordings from the weekend due to lack of the right cables at both gigs. If you ask for it in the comments I will give you the track listings though. :P
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Beotch Tax

This just in! I was just informed by my Brass friend JoeJoe that I shall be DJing at 11pm Friday on the outside stage! Info Below:
"Peanut Butter Jelly's Time
21+, 9pm-2am We know there’s something we’re supposed to be doing on first Fridays, but apparently we have collective amnesia, because we can’t figure out what it is. So we’re throwing a party at Jelly’s instead! Oh but not just any old party – it’s PEANUT BUTTER JELLY’S TIME!!!
We’re going balls out on the fun factor for this one. Peanut Butter Jelly Time Pyramids every hour on the hour! Extreme lapdances! Our new resident MC, MALIBU! And of course, nothing but the finest tunes from JoeJoe, DingDong, Franks ‘n’ Beans, and Mace. Plus special guests: Patricio (The Do LaB, Space Island, LABA) Mozaic (Nexus, Glimmer of Dope) Whiskey Devil and more TBA!
We’re still in the hole on Boombox fundage, but we want everyone to be able to come to this party, so we’ve made it sliding scale, and have broken down the price structure as such:
$5 helps us cover costs for this party
$10 helps us cover costs for this party, supports the Boombox, and gets you a Boombox sticker.
$15 helps us cover costs for this party, supports the Boombox, and gets you a Boombox sticker and cup.
$20 helps us cover costs for this party, supports the Boombox, and gets you a Boombox sticker, cup, and patch.
$40 (or more) helps us cover costs for this party, supports the Boombox, and gets you a Boombox sticker, cup, patch, and an extreme lapdance."
This shall be the LAST fundraiser for the Boombox before the playa, please help my friends out of the poor house and onto a massive ghetto blaster!
You can dance if you want to...

Beautiful people!
I am totally stoked about my recording from Temple. It took a little to get warmed up but I can confidently say that I did not fuck up majorly in any way! My sexi Lexi and his long distance friend DJ Oddfellow really helped me out with this set, a LOT. At first I thought I didn't even like electro house but was gladly informed some of my favorite DJs play electro house. Took all night to download stuff and all day to sift through it all but despite getting my computer hacked all went well! Hopefully my Hackintosh will live.
This took a lot of effort to create and not just my effort. Yay for me!
Thanks to the Temple crew, Christoper, Jessica, Byron, Lex, :Prophet, Jack Phrost and any one else I forgot for showing up!
WD's Electro House set from Temple's Breast Cancer Benefit 8-4-09
Monday, August 3, 2009
Good news everyone!

I shall be playing from 7pm-9pm possibly splitting it up with another DJ and possibly playing later as well! C U then!
I was informed this morning at around 3:45am that I shall be playing at the temple bar tomorrow night for their Breast Cancer Benefit! Very short notice but hopefully some of you fantastic people are allowed to stay out later then 9pm on a Tuesday? I am not sure exactly what time I'll be playing but I'm guessing maybe first or last. I'll be in the main room which is totally exciting! Yay! Tuesday will be spent with me buried deep in my external hard drive getting a set ready, I already have a couple of songs in my head that will rock the house!
Please come, the more people I bring the better possibility that I shall be brought back to play again.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Blah!!! :P
Hello sweeties!
Long time no ramble, Whiskey Devil here finally making a little update to this 'ere blog.
It's been a crazy month, moved to SF with my new boy Lex and have hardly gotten to even practice DJing! I know, it's a crying shame but if you stop being a baby for a sec I'll give ya some good news:
I now have at my disposal a working Serato box and Turntable (1) at my house! This means there will be practices every day or so and little events like what happened yesterday where I had my friend DJ Peek over and we jammed for 4 hours! Weee! I am stoked that the dust is starting to settle but August is looking to be an interesting month (not just because of Burning Man) still scraping by on min wage and such...
Any way, just wanted to give you a heads up and let you know that I have not died or been abducted or recruited into a cult.. yet.
Much love and many MP3s soon,
Whiskey Devil!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I want my honey
Hello my darlings,
welcome back to another exciting edition of DJ Whiskey Devil's Blogspot. Served piping hot is a brand spanking new mix of all new music!(to me anyway)
My dear sexi boi Lex1 was kind enough to do a little music-sharing and I present to you a mix I am very proud of:
My Feet Hurt:Breaks, Dub, and a few other things.
Let me know what you think and if you and also an awesome DJ and would like to share some tunes with me and I with you drop me a line!
WhiskeyIsTheDevil (at) gmail (dot) com
In other news: Had an amazing Summer Solstice with OPEL at Mission Rock, watched the sun rise and watched Dex Stakker very closely to see if there is some kind of trick to his perfect DJing. Turns out there are no tricks except that he DJ's like a doctor, every movement with the CDJ's and mixer are precise and smooth. Also, he's very good with a Pioneer DJM 800 and all it's amazing efx.
After that me and Lex1 find his car window was smashed just outside of Mission Rock. We drive back to Potrero Hill and find my window was smashed as well.. strange, eh? Miles away from each other.
Last weekend we celebrated at 2 parties held at the places I usually spin, ACME/Department of Spontaneous Combustion and Magnolia/Candy Mtn. I did no spinning myself but had a fabulous time anyway. Always love listening to DJ Dragn'fly and ONYD Sound System. :)
Hm.. any thing else? Oh, I'm sick with a summer cold but seem to be getting better now thankfully.
Also, half-moving to SF tomorrow after work. Once I start paying rent then I'll really be moving in. What does this mean? Well, all you people that never come see me play in the East Bay because it's too far or whatever can come by, bring me booze and listen to your heart's (or feets) content. If YOU ARE a DJ and would like to battle or just let me play on your stuff drop me a line, that would be awesome!
Ok, long rambling post, will try not to next time...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Monkey Chant
Dear cuties,
Just wanted to do a little post of stuff I like so you don't decide that my website is dead and never come back.
Lex1's latest Breaks Mix
And some videos I like:
Just wanted to do a little post of stuff I like so you don't decide that my website is dead and never come back.
Lex1's latest Breaks Mix
And some videos I like:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
We dis and dismantle no hits
My sweethearts,
Last week I finally worked out my CD which is my set from Precom!
But you ask, how do you have your set from precom, you were stupid and did not press the record button?
Well kittinz, thanks to the amazing technology of Serato I have my whole set list from beginning to end and even what time I started and ended my songs! So on the morning of Wednesday last week I spun the full hour and a half set again and recorded for it for real for your pleasure (and mine!) Soon, hopefully this week, I shall have at my disposal equipment for turning this recording into a sweet sounding CD and maybe even chop it into bits so you can skip from one song to another! (thanks 2 LEX1) Soon you will start seeing my CD spread around like the black plague and less like the swine flu.
So once I have the finalized version of Precom I will put a permanent link on the side bar so you can always download it and not have to go back through my blog to find it! :D
Thank you again to those who showed up and if you see me soon ask for a CD!
PRECOMPRESSION The Real Story By Whiskey Devil
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Good news and bad news but mostly good news

Welcome peeps! Phew! Last weekend was one of the best weekends of my life. I'm still in a daze from everything so please excuse my bad writing style.
Precompression was amazingly fantastic and not just because I got to DJ at a club for the first time. Everyone on the Brass Tax stage that played after me was top-notch and I'm so glad I got to set the mood for some of my favorite djs. Thank you to Joe Joe and JK Sound for setting up such a bumpin' system and helping me out. Also a big shout-out to all you that came out early to help support me, thanks!
Now a little history.. Last year at Precompression I was a stage manager for 2 different stages at 1015 folsom and delt with a bunch of DJs including my now good-friend One Night aka Zaius. I had also just met :Prophet aka Justin a week earlier. I had no interest in Djing, just volunteering for BM. So in other words thanks guys for the awesome year and for showing me the ropes of DJing!
SOOOO.... any way the bad news is that I didn't record my set. Stupid Zoom and stupid me for not triple checking that it was working and recording. Thanks to Serato I have my whole set list from beginning to end so I shall be re-recording it for your pleasure and maybe make it a CD. I'm hopeing to do that this week but for now I have my Precom Prep recording from a few days earlier.
Pre-precom prep & WD vs :Prophet vs Lex1
Also, if you have any pictures of me from Precom please send them to me!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Get up, go insane!

I am ecstatic to announce that I am confirmed to be playing at Precompression this Saturday the 6th @ Mission Rock Cafe!
My set is from 8pm-9pm so you guys have to get there early and be ready to dance your ass off for an hour straight!
This is my first REAL NON-WAREHOUSE gig so PLEASE come out and support me. Maybe when they see how big of a crowd came out for lil-old me they will book me for Decompression!
All the info you will need is here.
In other news: The ONYD sound system was kind enough to let me practice for 2 hours yesterday. I was having trouble with one of the CDJs for the first hour so I suggest you just skip 40 or 50 min ahead. Once I got to the 1hour mark I started really having fun with mixing beats together! Dubstep on trance is awesome! Also, the sound level is pretty low so crank it up!
WD @ DSC 6-2-09
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Weekend Warrior

So Saturday instead of going out to DSC for their 2nd party in a row I went and saw Pretty Lights by myself at the Independent in SF. You can download their whole discography at that link, I highly suggest it. The show blew my mind in many ways, when I'm a famous DJ/Producer I will have a live drummer and a giant LED screen from STS9. Big props to all those DJs out there in Colorado.
Met some awesome people people at the show and went to thier place afterwards for a long night of DJing. Fell asleep at around 5am and went to the Space Cowboy's Brunch at the 3 Crowns on Market. Here are the very long MP3's from Sat and Sunday, enjoy!
#1 5-31-09 WD VS. Lex 1 3X3
#2 5-31-09 WD VS. Lex 1 3X3
#3 5-31-09 WD VS. Lex 1 Chunk
Handz Up
I am back, yes that's right. Utah was fantastic, 7 days of white water rafting/kayaking down the San Juan River then 7 days hard-core back packing/canyoneering in the Cheese Box area. Made lots of friends and lots of personal discoveries and lost about 10 lbs and gained 10 lbs of muscle.
This MP3 is my first time DJing since I got back.
More posting coming very, very soon!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Waa wa wa waaa...
Dear Sexies,
I'm sad and kinda happy to report that this will be the last post for a couple of weeks. I'm going to Colorado for a canyoneering and white water rafting adventure 'till the 27th. I was hopeing to give you an awesome CD mix to spread around for me like the swine flu but It's going to take me more than 4 tries to get this mix down perfectly. :P
Here is the FAIL mix for ya.
I would love some feed back from all you CD makin' DJs out there. How do you do it so perfectly? How many tries do you have to do? What's your technick of mixing for a CD? Yadda yadda..
PLEASE give me some emails or comments (Down below) and help me out!
Much love to all you followers out there, I'm gonna miss ya'll!
<3 WD
Friday, May 1, 2009
Waiting for the Sun
Dear Darlings,
I have quite a couple of MP3s for yall's listening enjoyment.
Tuesday didn't go so well due to having to pick up my friend in the middle of my set. (I'm that awesome of a friend) So I felt like I had DJ blue balls for the rest of the night. :P
1 WD @ DSC 4-28-09
2 WD @ DSC 4-28-09
Thursday was much better, I had 2 great sets and then my friend Konkers spun some Electro Tech House that rocked everyone's socks off. I'll post some of his stuff once he records something.
1 WD @ CM 4-30-09
2 WD @ CM 4-30-09
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What an amazing weekend! Worked at Guitar Center Friday and Saturday and partied Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Made some very good connections with a bunch of different folks and danced my ass off to some of my favorite local DJs.
Mad props to: ClyMAX, Mr. Rodgers, Jonboy, Dex Stakker, Peek, Influence, Syd Gris, Meat Katie, DJ Amar, Zach Moore, Energy Alchemist, Non Sequitur and the whole Opulent Temple crew. (sorry if I forgot anyone!)
Friday I went to a 420 party that my friend ClyMAX played at and had a surprisingly good time until the cops broke it up at 3am. Saturday went to Opel's 7 yr anniversary at Mission Rock and had the best time dancing since the Evil Breaks party 2 or 3 weeks ago. Stayed up all night and left with some friends around 8am. Continued the party in the upper Haight and DJed my first house party! DJ Non Sequitur brought all his gear over and we tag-teamed from 9am to 4pm on no sleep. I didn't have any of my gear with me so I used all of his music which after warming up worked out REALLY well thanks to Serato.
Sorry, I couldn't record it. :P
Sooo.. phew, just thinking about it makes me happy and tired at the same time.
Working on my set for tonight, will probably be all over the place as usual. I'm starting to get a bit aggrivated that I can't nail down one genra for DSC. I'm finding it very tuff to feel satisfied when creating sets for Tuesday as opposed to Thursday when I know what they are looking for because half of them DJ as well. :Prophet suggested I work on engineering the feeling on Tuesdays, I come up with either dance, depress, or dreamy and I just don't want to do any of those. Blah. Suggestions? Post in Comments!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Focus on Local Artists: Dex Stakker

While waiting for my next upload I suggest checking out my friend Dex Stakker's music. He's one of my favorite DJs in the Bay Area and every party he spins is badass.
Last year I found a free Dex Stakker CD lying around at some Burning Man party and decided to check it out, rocked my ass off in the car and finally saw him live a month or two later. He's got about 8 mixes out and you can grab them all for free right here!
I find it refreshingly common that a lot of DJs around here are willing to talk to fans (as long as they arn't in the mix!) and from what I can tell don't have super massive egos floating around posturing for each other. Now a days if I listen to a good DJ I'll try and stick around to talk afterward or get a free CD or even just a website (mysface book is not a damn website!) I have not had a bad experience yet that I can remember. ;)
So anyway here's to you Dex, I dedicate my latest mix to you!
In other news, sounds like I'm going to the Opel 7 yr anniversary tonight so maybe I'll see ya there! Look for the girl in the sparkle mask and horns ;)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Dear darlings,
Thursday was great; Blue sky, temperature in the 70s and a general happy feeling of spring in the air. Worked in my friend Johnathan's shop molding and casting horns then skipped over to Candy Mountain for a few hours before my set. Prepared and organized a couple of hundred songs before playing around 8:30pm.
WD @ Candy Mtn. 4-23-09
I'm really happy with this set except for a fuck-up in the middle. (pretend it's not there)
I first heard the crazy remix of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds at Breakfast of Champions the day after new years. Space cowboys were tearing it up and then THAT song came on and everyone flipped out, one of my happiest memories. :D
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hello darlings,
Did a pretty good set yesterday and had a fantastic time doing it.
WD @ DSC 4-21-09
Then me and :Prophet did a bit of tag-teaming.
WD Vs. :P @ DSC 4-21-09
Will write more later, not really feeling very wordy today.
Ps. Thank you to all those wonderful people out there leaving me comments! I love you all.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Is that you Chubaca?

Finally got my set from Thursday. Accidentally deleted my set from Tuesday :P (wasn't very good any way)
Sorry it's a WAV again, I need to remember to always change it to MP3 next time!
Also I had kind of a false start with Chubaca, just wait through the 15 seconds of silence,
I'm pretty damn happy with this set and was bouncing all over the place as I DJed. Spent about 3 hours picking out the songs and I'm planning on doing the same for next Tuesday as well. Keep in mind this is a WAV so it takes a while to load, if you internet is slow or crappy I suggest right clicking and saving as to your computer.
Tell me if you have any problems with the file in the comments below or in person.
Enjoy my filthy assistants!
WD @ Magnolia/Candy Mountain 4-16-09 WAV
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Just another sucker on the vine
I got my first pay check last night from Guitar Center and decided to celebrate by getting really drunk last night at the Black Magic bar. Met a stand up comedian and a tree climber, pretty interesting night. Now, back to work!
WD @ Magnolia/Candy Mountain 4-9-09
and the 2nd:
WD @ Magnolia/Candy Mountain 4-9-09 O2
Thursday, April 9, 2009
46 & 2 just ahead of me..
Damn, sounds like everyone is heading over to Yuri's Night at the Academy of Science. Some day I'm gonna go but not today, instead I have musical goodies! The 2nd and 3rd recordings from Tuesday:
#2 WD @ DSC
#3 WD @ DSC
Have fun all you sexi astronomers!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Just like you

Hello sexies,
I just did a fantastic set at DSC and will hopefully get those MP3s to you in the next couple of days. For now I have the first of 3 WAVs from DSC on March 31st. Enjoy and tell me what you think in the comments!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hm, weird. I thought I had a new mix but it turned out to be an old one. Damn, I just wasted an hour or two :P
Well any way, I thought I should give a big shout out to my best friends and teachers Prophet and One Night. If it weren't for these guys I wouldn't be a DJ. They also have a great blog that I think you may enjoy so go check it out.
Also, I have great love and respect for DJ Peek with the Ambient Mafia. First time I heard him play my jaw dropped to the floor. We have very similar taste so if you like my stuff go bug him and ask for some of his mixes too. (He's also a real DJ!) Thank you, you rock!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Greetings darlings,
Welcome to my new blog! I have decided that since I'm actually recording mixes that aren't too bad now I should share them. Here I will be dumping my most recent mixes every week or two for your enjoyment. Here are the mixes I've done up to this point in order from oldest to newest.
^ Newest
Feel free to save them and please give me feed back!
Ms. Whiskey Devil
Welcome to my new blog! I have decided that since I'm actually recording mixes that aren't too bad now I should share them. Here I will be dumping my most recent mixes every week or two for your enjoyment. Here are the mixes I've done up to this point in order from oldest to newest.
^ Newest
Feel free to save them and please give me feed back!
Ms. Whiskey Devil
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